Welcome to Northern Saints Teaching School Alliance

We are an Alliance of Educational Institutions led by two outstanding schools located in South Tyneside: S. Wilfrid College and S. Aloysius Infant and Junior College. The society is a true association of secondary and primary schools где взять ипотеку в Москве, institutions of additional and higher education, working together to develop a strong learning culture through better education system and the exchange of best practices.

“As the director of two of the classes, the schools of the community, and we are very excited about the possibilities that you can create by working together across the community, and to share experiences and to explore new approaches to teaching and learning. The combination of all the strengths, we have an opportunity to develop a culture of aspiration and excellence-oriented immigration, and all of the schools we work with. In doing so, we aim to improve the achievement of all our students, and to increase the life chances of young people across the country.”

Mr TB Tapping

Mr TB Tapping

Executive Headteacher, St. Wilfrid’s RC College, St. Bede’s Catholic Comprehensive, St. Joseph’s Catholic Academy

Mr N Conway

Mr N Conway

Executive Headteacher, St. Aloysius Federation, St. Michael’s RC Primary School

About Us

Upcoming Courses & Networks

"Thank you very much for your great program. Can you stay here for 3 months?! We wish you a bottle of your dynamics, and knowledge. Many employees are so impressed with it and have to share a lot of ideas through the classroom."

Assistant Headteacher at a whole school CPD event, focusing on metacognition, delivered to a school in Birmingham, 7 January 2019

"The session was great. Feedback was really good from staff.

Lead at the Directed Differentiation CPD session, delivered to a further education college, 16 January 2019

"Really engaging. Good to have strategies to take away and use."

Participant at the Making the Learning Stick CPD session, 30th January 2019

"Thank you. Really useful explanation as to why adolescents act and behave as they do. I will definitely be able to apply some of the techniques to my work. Brilliant presentation! I could have listened for hours!"

Participant at A Child’s Stages of Development CPD session, 10th December 2018

"The coaching training session was very beneficial to not only myself for CPD but also for my school. It is a great way for members of staff to support each other and develop new skills whilst also creating the opportunity to develop new initiatives within school."

Participant at the Coaching Training session, 23rd March 2017
