Denise Ritchie Deputy Headteacher – Teaching and Learning, St. Wilfrid’s RC College / Regional System Leader specialising in Pupil Premium
As Deputy Headteacher for Teaching and Learning, I lead a team of very talented Lead Practitioners at St Wilfrid’s RC College. We employ a number of strategies to ensure that teaching and learning always remains a priority. We know that the abilities and skillset, knowledge and enthusiasm of our teachers is crucial in determining the success of the children they teach, and so we ensure that our teachers have a wide range of opportunities for their continued professional development.
I am a teacher of Science, and have been Head of Biology and then Head of Science for a number of years, before progressing to Assistant Headteacher and now Deputy Headteacher. I also spent two terms working as a Science Adviser for North Tyneside School Improvement Service.
I am also very excited to lead our Teaching School and am very much enjoying building collaborative relationships with our partners in the Northern Saints Teaching School Alliance, and with other Teaching Schools, both within our own local authority area and those in our neighbouring ones. I was designated as a Regional System Leader (RSL) specialising in maximising the progress of our disadvantaged students (Pupil Premium) in the first round of RSL designations. This was achieved in recognition of my work as a Pupil Premium reviewer. I have led a number of reviews, which have resulted in ongoing supportive relationships with the schools involved.
My passion for teaching and leadership is driven by a strong belief that education should be fair for all, and that all children deserve the highest possible standards of Teaching and Learning. A belief that carries me forward every day.
Anna Harrison Teaching School Manager, St. Wilfrid’s RC College
I was appointed as Teaching School Manager for the Northern Saints Teaching School Alliance in late 2016 following St. Wilfrid’s successful designation as a Teaching School. In this new position I advise and support the Deputy Headteacher – Teaching and Learning on strategic and operational planning to ensure high quality delivery of the Teaching School aims and objectives.
I am also commissioned one day a week by the Teaching School Council (TSC) as Regional Coordinator in the North, In this role I support the TSC Representative on a number of Teaching School issues and act as a point of contact for any initial enquiries from or about our Teaching Schools.
Prior to joining St. Wilfrid’s RC College, I was the Principal Policy Officer to the Leader and Chief Executive at a large city council in the North East. In this role I provided direct advice and support to the council’s leadership, played a key role in policy development and developed strong partnership networks including establishing two national local government lobbying groups.
I am very excited to play a key role in developing the Northern Saints Teaching School Alliance, using my previous experience to drive this forward. Building collaborative relationships are at the very heart of our Alliance and I am very much enjoying working with not only our partners within the Alliance, but with other Teaching Schools and partners in the region to continue the successful growth of a school led support system.